Brown Brothers Milawa Gewurztraminer

Categories for this Product: Previous Years Tastings > 2002
Wine Types - White
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 Brown Brothers Milawa Gewurztraminer
Normal Price:$18.99
  • Year: 2000
  • Tasted Date: 26/09/2001
  • Wine Type: WHITE
  • Grape Variety: GEWURZTRAMINER
  • Country: AUSTRALIA
  • Rating: 5.2
"Words cannot describe. A unique character - a depth in the vicinity of David Moffit" "Green in flavour, nice with spicey food" "Most obvious Gewursz for my simple snout" "About as awful as Riesling for me" 'A little too young and too sweet for my taste" "Yukko. It does improve slightly. I think it's got to do with not really liking the style" "Not my cup of tea" "Not for me even when it warmed up" "Maybe I'll get used to Traminer sometime in the future - Not"